Raw Juneberry Chia Jam

Juneberries are at peak ripeness when they turn a deep purple color

Juneberries are here! If juicy blueberries and sweet almonds had a baby, you would have the irresistible flavor of Juneberries. Found wild and as an attractive urban ornamental, they (surprise!) ripen in June here in Wisconsin. If you don’t have access to fresh wild Juneberries, blueberries will work just fine for these recipes.

I normally freeze our extra berries so we can make smoothies year-round, but this year I decided to make some healthy, easy jams. I have a recipe for everyone: one is vegan and made with chia seeds, the other made with nutrient-rich gelatin. Both versions are raw, whole food, antioxidant rich, and free of refined sugar, preservatives, and anything icky.

Recipe 1: Juneberry Chia Jam

1 cup fresh berries
1/8 cup purified water
1.5 tbsp raw honey
1 tbsp chia seeds

Using a pestle or similar tool, roughly mush your berries in a bowl.

Add the water, honey, and chia seeds.
Mix well, move to a glass jar for storage, and place in the refrigerator.
After about 30 minutes, the chia seeds will set and be ready to enjoy.

Recipe 2: Juneberry Jelly

1 cup fresh berries
2 tbsp purified water
1.5 tbsp raw honey
.5 tbsp pure gelatin powder (ideally organic)

Using a pestle or similar tool, roughly mush your berries in a bowl.
Add the water, honey, and gelatin.
Pour your mixture into a blender or food processor and blitz until smooth. Pureeing your berries releases more of the almond flavor from the seeds.
Move your puree to a glass jar for storage, and place in the refrigerator.
After about 30 minutes, the gelatin will set and be ready to put on fruit, English muffins, or your favorite snacks.


Megan Normansell, CHC, AADP, CFH

Certified Holistic Health Counselor/ Certified Herbalist/Holistic Nutritionist/Wild Edibles Guide

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